Monday, August 5, 2013


Realism: I think this picture beautiful , because I see people very hard work . They want built road.THis picture have a lot of colors I like it , because I want this picture too.


Abstract: On the picture I see very different things (for example:very beautiful bright stars.After I see strange moon , because before I think this is sun , after I understand it is moon. I see different mountain and a lot of different houses. It is picture very beautiful , I like it, because I see a lot of different colors, I think this is amazing picture , because I want see and see on this picture. This picture draw  Vincent van Gogh. Name this picture starry night. I want say van Goghy thank you that he is draw this picture,because it is very beautiful.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Special instrument in Brazil.

Berimbau - Single Line percussion instrument, originally from Brazil.The origin of the berimbau has not been fully established, but most likely he has African roots. The berimbau is closely linked with the Brazilian martial art capoeira, is also part of the tradition of Candomblé.The berimbau consists of Qabas (resonating gourd), Verga (stick, which pull the string), arame (a string), getting (stone or coin, which is pressed against the string to change the sound), Kaxix (wicker basket, which publishes additional sound when playing ) and buckets (bacillus, which is extracted sound).Since 1950, the Brazilian berimbau were painted in bright colors.To play the berimbau, one holds in one hand, wrapping the two middle fingers around Verga, as well as placing the little finger under the string loop cabaça author ("Anel"), and balancing the weight there. A small stone or coin (or Pedra dobrão) is held between the thumb and index finger of the same hand that holds the berimbau. Cabaça resting on her stomach. In the other hand, has a wand (baqueta or "vaqueta" - usually wooden, very rarely made ​​of metal) and a shaker (Caxixi). One man hit with Arame vaqueta to produce sound. Caxixi accompanies vaqueta. Dobrão moves back and forth from Arama to change the height of production berimbau. The sound can also be changed by moving back and forth cabaça of abdominal producing wow as sound.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

My favorite song!!!

I have a lot of good songs , but I think my best song is Talking to the moon (Bruno Mars) , because it is very quiet song and I like sleep under this music. I like all songs by Bruno Mars for example Grenade (Bruno Mars).
I like music , because I can relax under music and forget about all problems that I have been and would be.